How Does Social Media Impact Your New Mexico Personal Injury Claim?

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Personal Injury | 0 comments

Woman using social media microblogging app on her phoneSocial media has become an integral part of modern life, allowing people to share their experiences, opinions, and photos with friends and family. However, when it comes to personal injury claims, what you post on social media can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case. Insurance companies and defense attorneys often use social media posts as evidence to undermine your claim.

At Dominguez Law, we advise our clients to exercise caution when it comes to their social media presence during a personal injury case. Our experienced legal team understands the nuanced ways in which social media can impact your claim, and we work diligently to protect your best interests. By refraining from posting about your case or discussing the details online, you can help safeguard your claim and prevent any potential harm to your legal proceedings.

Social Media Posts Can Be Used Against You

When you post on social media, you are essentially providing a window into your life for the world to see. While it may seem harmless to share updates about your daily activities or post photos of your recent adventures, these seemingly innocuous posts can come back to haunt you in the context of a personal injury claim. Insurance companies and defense attorneys are skilled at scouring social media accounts for any information that can be used to discredit your injuries, undermine your version of events, or cast doubt on the severity of your damages.

For example, if you are claiming to have suffered a serious injury as a result of a car accident but then post photos of yourself engaging in physical activities that are inconsistent with your alleged injury, the insurance company may use this as evidence to argue that your injuries are not as severe as you claim. Similarly, if you post updates about recent vacations or activities that suggest you are living a normal and active life despite your injuries, it could be used to argue that you are not entitled to compensation for your damages.

Additionally, insurance companies may try to use your social media posts to undermine your credibility and portray you in a negative light. If you post photos of yourself consuming alcohol, engaging in risky behavior, or making comments that could be perceived as insensitive or damaging to your case, it could be used to discredit your character and suggest that your injuries are not as serious as you claim.

Social Media May Lead to Admissions of Fault

Another way social media can harm your personal injury claim is through inadvertent admissions of fault. In the heat of the moment, you might post something that could be interpreted as an admission of guilt or partial fault for the accident. Even a seemingly harmless apology or expression of regret can be taken out of context and used against you in court. It is essential to refrain from discussing the specifics of the accident or assigning blame on social media, as anything you say can be twisted and used against you.

Engaging in conversations or arguments with other users about the incident can also be detrimental to your case. Defense attorneys can use these interactions to portray you in a negative light or to discredit your version of events. Ensure you maintain a low profile on social media and avoid any discussions related to your personal injury claim.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney for Support

Privacy settings on social media platforms may not always protect your posts from being discovered. Even if you have strict privacy settings, there is no guarantee that your posts will not be accessed by the opposing party in your personal injury case. Once something is posted online, it can be challenging to erase it from the digital world completely.

Dominguez Law understands the significance of utilizing technology responsibly and how it can either benefit or harm your legal situation. Call our compassionate and aggressive team at Dominguez Law at (505) 850-5854 or schedule a consultation using our contact form to schedule a consultation to discuss your case. We also speak Spanish.