How to Get Traffic Camera Footage of Your Car Accident in New Mexico

You may experience a car accident when you are least expecting it. And more often, it is exceedingly difficult to remember every detail of the event that led up to the accident. Although you may think you can reconstruct the actions that occurred, it is often best to have physical evidence, like camera footage, to back up the event’s details that ultimately proves liability.

It is important to obtain traffic and video surveillance footage provided by highway cameras and local businesses following a car accident. Retrieving these can make the difference in proving another driver’s negligent actions and having your losses recouped in an accident. When you work with an experienced New Mexico personal injury lawyer, you can build a solid case to prove the opposing party’s liability and get the accountability you deserve before the evidence is erased.

What Evidence is Key in a Car Accident Claim in New Mexico?

After you get into a terrible car accident, your first priority should be to seek medical attention for injuries and to contact authorities for a police report on your accident. Additionally, gathering evidence should also be one of the key steps to take following your accident in order to start building a solid claim for your accident. This can make a substantial difference in the amount and type of compensation you are eligible to receive post-accident.

Traffic Camera Footage Evidence to Prove Negligence

Collecting video footage from local traffic cameras and private business cameras can be beneficial in your case for many reasons. The most important reason is that it serves as a real-time review of the actions taken that led to your accident. This type of evidence is key in determining liability and can answer important questions about the incident.

Metropolitan communities are all equipped with traffic cameras operated by local municipalities or highway departments to control traffic and to identify any road issues. Congested areas will often be equipped with innovative camera technology and can be reviewed promptly. Many businesses are also equipped with these types of cameras and recordings can be obtained by investigating available sources.

Difficulties in Obtaining Traffic Camera Footage

Often, police officers are not required to disclose the locations of any traffic or business cameras in the area of the accident or provide evidence other than the police report taken at the scene.

These recordings are only kept for a specific period of time, often as little as three days. They are owned by either private or public entities and can be copied over. This is why it is essential to begin the process of collecting video evidence promptly with the expert assistance of a seasoned car accident attorney. The legal team at Dominguez Law can assist in locating the most important traffic camera locations pertinent to your case, contacting the owners of the camera footage, and providing a thorough assessment, review, and storage of your evidence.

It is important to recognize that although oftentimes the video surveillance caught on camera footage will assist your case, sometimes the video captured can be detrimental to your case as well. It is best to navigate these scenarios with an experienced car accident lawyer for a way to use the evidence appropriately for the best outcome of your case.

Additional Evidence Needed to Prove Negligence

Traffic camera footage is not the only type of evidence you may need in a car accident case. It is important to obtain specific evidence related to your injuries, personal records, and bills to prove negligence.

Specific examples of additional evidence that may be required in a case includes:

  • Photos taken at the scene and of injuries endured
  • Medical documentation such as treatment plans and imaging tests
  • Medical and rehabilitation bills
  • Employment records and missed work
  • Property damage records
  • Journal entries describing pain and diminished quality of life post-accident

Working with a New Mexico car accident lawyer can help you build a solid case and conduct a thorough investigation of your accident. When you obtain all of the evidence mentioned above, you may be able to prove negligence and recoup maximum compensation for your losses.

How Dominguez Law Can Help with Your Car Accident Camera Footage

If you are having trouble remembering details or just need physical evidence surrounding your car accident claim, working with a New Mexico car accident lawyer can help in many ways. There are specific strategies to build a solid case for you and prove liability.

These strategies include:

  • With a free consultation, you will have your case reviewed and analyzed to determine your best course of action regarding your claim and seek compensation
  • Conducting a thorough investigation on your behalf to determine liability
  • Working with witnesses and experts to provide professional testimony
  • Negotiating and speaking with the insurance company and other lawyers on your behalf
  • Manage important documents, details, and deadlines of your claim so you can focus on recovering from your accident
  • Aggressively negotiating for the compensation you deserve
  • Bringing your case to court if needed to get you the justice and accountability for the losses you endured

When you have experienced an accident, there are many legal complexities at play when a party denies liability. Speak with a seasoned car accident lawyer in New Mexico for the optimal strategies your case needs to succeed and recover the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Speak with a New Mexico Car Accident Lawyer at Dominguez Law

There are many legal complexities to proving negligence in a car accident. If you are trying to focus on recovery, it may be overwhelming to tackle this situation alone. Working with an experienced car accident lawyer at Dominguez Law can assist you in gathering the necessary information to build a strategic case to hold the responsible party accountable for their careless actions.

The legal team at Dominguez Law is seasoned in obtaining pertinent traffic footage to help you prove negligence in your car accident case. With a compassionate and diligent approach to representation, the legal team at Dominguez Law will fight for you in times of crisis. Call (505) 317-9837 for a free, complimentary consultation or fill out our contact form.

Contact the experienced personal injury attorneys with Dominguez Law today to discuss your case

A skilled personal injury attorney should know when a case needs an expert witness, and the attorney will advise the client on whether a consulting expert attorney or a testifying expert attorney would be best. The compassionate and aggressive legal professionals with Dominguez Law understand the ins and outs of working with expert witnesses.

If you have a personal injury claim, do not hesitate to reach out to Dominguez Law. We would be happy to discuss your personal injury case. If your case requires an expert witness, we are ready. To reach our team, you can fill out our contact form or call (505-850-5854) today. We also speak Spanish.

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