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car accident with a child's bicycle

Children Injured in Car Accidents: Everything You Should Know

When car accidents involve children, they touch a nerve deep within every parent’s heart. Our children’s safety is a non-negotiable priority, and when the unthinkable happens and a car accident injures them, the world suddenly becomes a much scarier place. In New Mexico, personal injury cases involving children require special

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Worried couple

How to Pursue a Car Accident Claim Against a Deceased At-Fault Driver

Car accidents are unexpected and life-altering events that can leave victims grappling with physical, emotional, and financial challenges. When the responsible party is no longer alive to be held accountable, pursuing a car accident claim against them can add an extra layer of complexity to an already difficult situation. Pursuing

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Sad disabled woman

Why Your Personal Injury Insurance Claim May Have Been Denied

Accidents are unexpected, and personal injuries can turn your life upside down in an instant. Naturally, you turn to your personal injury insurance for the support and financial relief you deserve. After all, it is there to catch you when life throws its curveballs. However, what happens when the lifeline

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Judge gavel and stethoscope with pills

When Is It Appropriate to Hire a Medical Malpractice Lawyer?

We place an unparalleled level of trust in medical professionals to safeguard our well-being and guide us toward a healthier life. However, there are moments when this trust is breached. The consequences of such negligence can be profound, leaving individuals and families grappling with physical, emotional, and financial hardships. Nobody

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doctors office

What Is Informed Consent and How Can It Impact Your Medical Malpractice Claim?

In the realm of medical care, trust between patients and healthcare providers forms the foundation of a healthy doctor-patient relationship. This trust extends to the concept of informed consent, which plays a crucial role in ensuring patients have a clear understanding of their medical treatment options, potential risks, and alternatives.

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Let us start you off in the right direction

You should always have high expectations of the firm you choose. We will hold ourselves to meeting those expectations and more.

Our initial consultations are free of charge, as you deserve an accessible, stress-free opportunity for guidance on your case. We also take calls on the weekends.

For a free consultation, please fill out our contact form online or call 505-850-5854. We serve the Albuquerque and Los Ranchos area, as well as all of New Mexico.

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