How safe are electric scooters?

by | Nov 7, 2019 | Injuries

As an Albuquerque resident, you know that driving a car isn’t always the most efficient way to get to your destination. You could take the bus or other forms of public transportation, but you can’t always rely on their schedules. What are your options?

Enter the electric scooter. Over the past two years, electric scooters have become wildly popular in urban areas.

In May, Albuquerque launched an e-scooter rental program. The one-year pilot project is the city’s first foray into scooter sharing. However, this program comes risks that potential riders need to be aware of before renting and traveling.

Dangers of electric scooters

Electric scooter enthusiasts can avoid collisions by being aware of these potential concerns:

  1. Sidewalk riding. Riders are required to give at least three feet of space on sidewalks to pedestrians. Not following that rule increases the likelihood of an accident. Objects like poles, trash cans, and benches can also pose a risk to riders.
  2. Speed. Scooters can travel up to 15 mph. In an accident, this high rate of speed can cause significant injury. This is especially true for riders who don’t wear a helmet.
  3. Car accidents. Riders are supposed to stay in bike lanes and out of ART lanes. Yet, that doesn’t always happen, increasing the risk of scooter/automobile accidents.
  4. Abandoned scooters. Scooters are dockless and are supposed to be dropped off at docking stations. Yet, problems arise when riders leave scooters strewn on sidewalks. It creates an unsafe environment for pedestrians and riders alike.

Electric scooters do offer riders a lot of benefits. They’re a faster form of transportation, are environmentally friendly and help reduce road congestion. Of equal importance is staying aware of the dangers to users and pedestrians.