Often, insurance companies employ various delay tactics to avoid paying valid claims. These tactics can take many forms, from requesting excessive documentation to prolonging the investigation process. While insurance companies are meant to provide support in times of need, their practices can sometimes be counterproductive to your recovery. This may lead you to feel like your needs are being sidelined as insurers focus on their bottom line rather than your well-being.
At Dominguez Law, we understand that the road to recovery is not just about physical healing but also about securing the compensation you deserve for your losses. Our goal is to ensure you receive the fair compensation you deserve, allowing you to focus on healing and moving forward.
Reasons Why Insurance Companies Use Delay Tactics
Insurance companies often utilize delay tactics primarily to protect their financial interests. By stalling the claims process, they can reduce the amount they pay out, potentially saving millions in payouts each year. The longer they delay, the more likely you are to feel pressured to settle for a lower amount, which can significantly devalue your valid claim. These tactics can also serve to exhaust the patience of accident victims, potentially leading them to abandon their pursuit of fair compensation altogether.
Insurance companies know that if they drag out the process, accident victims may rush into accepting an unfair settlement offer instead of waiting for the compensation they truly deserve.
Common Insurance Delay Tactics
Insurance companies often employ a range of common tactics to delay claims and avoid paying valid auto accident claims, including:
Denying Your Claim
Insurers may assert that your claim lacks sufficient evidence, or they may challenge the validity of your injuries altogether. This denial can be especially frustrating for accident victims who have legitimate claims backed by medical documentation.
Insurers often rely on these denials to deter you from pursuing your claim further. Remember – a denial does not mean your claim is invalid. You have the right to appeal this decision and provide additional evidence to support your case.
Decreasing Your Claim
By arguing that certain medical treatments were unnecessary or that you did not incur as many expenses as claimed, the insurer attempts to lower their financial obligation. This tactic can be particularly damaging, especially for victims who may not fully understand the cost of their medical care and treatment.
Delaying Investigation
By stalling the investigation process, insurers can prolong the time before you receive any compensation, often leaving you in a vulnerable financial position. In some cases, the insurer may request additional documentation or evidence, using this as an excuse to extend the investigation.
Disputing Your Losses
The insurance provider may challenge the extent of your emotional distress or pain and suffering, attempting to reduce the compensation you deserve. An experienced injury attorney can help you compile the necessary evidence to substantiate your claim and counter the insurer’s attempts to dispute your losses.
Trying to Confuse You
Insurance companies often use complex jargon and legal terms to confuse accident victims, making it difficult for them to understand their rights and the claims process. Insurers may also provide misleading information about the claims process, further adding to the confusion. This tactic is designed to intimidate you into accepting a lower settlement offer or abandoning your claim altogether.
Schedule a Consultation With an Auto Accident Lawyer from Dominguez Law
If you find yourself facing insurance companies’ bad faith tactics, it is essential to act decisively. Scheduling a consultation with an auto accident lawyer from Dominguez Law can provide you with the support and guidance you need during this challenging time. Our experienced team understands the complexities of the claims process and is well-versed in the tactics insurance companies use to delay or deny valid claims.
By working with a dedicated injury attorney, you can increase your chances of receiving the fair compensation you deserve. Call Dominguez Law at (505) 850-5854 or use our contact form.