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New Mexico Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyers

A breast cancer diagnosis can be life-altering in many ways, from the impacts of treatment to survival odds. It is challenging enough to deal with the ramifications of the diagnosis. However, when a trusted medical professional makes the mistake of misdiagnosing you, it can turn your entire life upside down more than it already has, and may rob you of important time for a cure. Time and again, Dominguez Law has worked with victims of incompetent medical practitioners who have rendered a breast cancer misdiagnosis. Given the extent of this negligence, it helps to have a legal team ready to fight for justice on your behalf. 

Our qualifications are bar none in this practice area. We have fought and won cases for victims of practitioners who carelessly ascribed to them an incorrect breast cancer diagnosis. We know what it takes to realize a successful case outcome, and we may be able to do the same for you. 

Common Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Errors

One of the worst parts about breast cancer misdiagnosis is that many forms of breast cancer are very treatable. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 3.8 million breast cancer survivors are in the United States. Among the reasons for this statistic are the proper diagnosis and subsequent treatment of breast cancer. Early detection is also part of a higher survival rate.

Some of the most common errors made in diagnosing breast cancer include:

  • Failure to properly read the radiology report and associated diagnostic assessments
  • Failure to properly test those most at-risk of developing breast cancer
  • Misdiagnosis of another form of cancer when breast cancer is the true culprit
  • Failure to follow up suspicious X-ray with a biopsy or deeper diagnostic
  • Omission of pertinent information in medical files that might suggest a predisposition
  •  to breast cancer development

These are just a few of the ways that a breast cancer misdiagnosis can derail necessary treatment that could ultimately result in lives saved down the road. 

What to Know About Filing a New Mexico Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Claim

Filing a breast cancer misdiagnosis claim ensures that those responsible for acting negligently are held accountable for their actions. This is far too common a form of medical malpractice and can be costly in more ways than one. A breast cancer misdiagnosis might cause you to pay for medical services not relevant to your accurate diagnosis and cause emotional distress once you realize you have not been getting the care you need. 

As preeminent New Mexico breast cancer misdiagnosis lawyers, Dominguez Law specializes in helping people like you who have suffered at the hands of medical professionals you trusted. We will fight alongside you through the claim process to help get you the compensation you deserve. We are extremely thorough in our commitment to gathering all the facts surrounding your case after our initial review. We rely on expert testimony from trusted medical advisers and gather eyewitness testimony specific to your situation. We will also pull copies of your medical records to determine exactly how the misdiagnosis has impacted your health. 

We strongly believe that no one should be victimized by practitioners who know better when it comes to something as important as a cancer diagnosis. 

Ways Compensation Can Help with an Erroneous Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Compensation can go a long way towards easing some of the burdens presented by a breast cancer misdiagnosis, especially those that have negatively affected your ability to care for yourself and others. Compensation may include help with:
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional and mental distress
  • Medical bills attributed to the misdiagnosis
  • New medical bills for allocation of proper care
  • Lost wages and loss of future income
  • Therapy and rehabilitation 
  • Lifestyle changes necessary because of a delayed breast cancer diagnosis
We work with you to determine every possible way that this misdiagnosis has impacted your life to help us determine what we should fight for in terms of compensation.

Schedule a Consultation with a New Mexico Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Attorney

Breast cancer can be aggressive and fatal, depending on the stage and type. This is why it is essential to get a breast diagnosis right so that the treatment protocol ultimately has the best chance of success. When a practitioner renders a New Mexico breast cancer misdiagnosis, you may be eligible for compensation. If you have been victimized by negligence and malpractice of this magnitude, Dominguez Law may be able to assist you.

Our qualified team of attorneys is well-versed in this area of medical malpractice. We have helped victims, and their loved ones get justice in situations where negligence or incompetence have resulted in an inappropriate course of cancer treatment. Call us at (505) 317-9837 or contact us online to learn more and schedule a free consultation.

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Discuss your case with our personal injury lawyers in Albuquerque, NM, today!

At Dominguez Law, we believe in holding parties who act recklessly accountable for their actions and are dedicated to making their insurance companies pay top dollar for your claim. If you believe the at-fault party acted negligently or recklessly, contact us as soon as possible.

To schedule a free consultation with one of our compassionate and aggressive Albuquerque car accident attorneys, call Dominguez Law today at 505-850-5854 or contact us online. Se Habla Español.

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