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New Mexico Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice Attorneys

Choosing a plastic surgeon is typically a process that incorporates research and careful consideration. From consultations to time spent perusing credentials and past cases, you likely put considerable effort into finding a plastic surgeon who could deliver on promised results. Yet, this is not always the case. There are instances where your cosmetic surgeon may have been careless or even negligent, resulting in a botched procedure. The physical aftermath of a cosmetic procedure may be well beyond what your surgeon said it would be, possibly because of a mistake or careless action undertaken during the procedure. You may be left with a less ideal outcome or an outright deformity, leaving you to wonder what to do. When you don’t know where else to turn, Dominguez Law can help. 

You should not have to suffer the consequences of negligent actions rendered by a medical professional who should have known better. Understanding the implications of this type of malpractice can help you determine when and how to file a claim effectively. Working with a premier New Mexico plastic & cosmetic surgery malpractice lawyer can ensure you get the damages you deserve. 

Common Forms of Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice

Unfortunately, even the most seemingly simple of procedures have the potential to go awry. Some of the most frequent forms of plastic surgery issues leading to malpractice cases include: 

  • Incorrect procedure performed
  • Failure to respond effectively to complications (during and after surgery)
  • Engaging in actions beyond consent offered by the patient
  • Inadequate anesthesia administration
  • Participation by unqualified surgical personnel

The impact of a poor outcome from a botched cosmetic procedure may include the need for other procedures to correct the issue. You may be struggling with the discomfort that impacts your quality of life. Plastic surgery negligence can sometimes lead to: 

  • Scarring
  • Development of necrotic tissue
  • Nerve damage
  • Infection
  • Deformities
  • Numbness
  • Swelling

Negligent actions during plastic surgery may result in permanent disabilities. The long-term effects of plastic surgery malpractice may include lost wages, the need for additional therapy or medical intervention and even adverse mental health impacts. 

Filing a New Mexico Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice Claim

Filing a New Mexico plastic surgery malpractice claim can seem daunting if you are unfamiliar with the legal system. It helps to choose an experienced New Mexico plastic and cosmetic surgery malpractice attorney who can guide you through the claims process and provide you with an array of options for compensation. At Dominguez Law, we have worked with countless clients to help them get the compensation they deserve following a botched cosmetic procedure. We start by collecting pertinent information about your case, including photos of the surgical outcome, if possible. We will amass documentation about the surgeon’s actions and how they contributed to an adverse health outcome.

We will also submit pertinent medical records, including any follow-up care or therapy necessary to address the outcome of the original procedure. We leave no stone unturned as we work to prove your case and win you compensation so that you can recover.

Among the challenges of pursuing damages in a medical malpractice case against a cosmetic surgeon is the elective nature of these procedures. While there are some medically necessary cosmetic surgeries, many are solely for enhancement purposes. This can result in less sympathetic juries for cases that do end up going to trial. At Dominguez Law, we rise to the occasion. Our legal expertise in medicine, combined with negotiation prowess and aggressive courtroom strategy, has garnered ideal outcomes for many clients victimized by negligent cosmetic surgeons.

The right compensation package can give you the necessary time to rebound from a poor surgical outcome’s physical and emotional effects. It may also help with additional medical expenses, lost wages and any resources necessary to help you adjust to unwanted changes from the procedure.

Start with a Free Consultation with a New Mexico Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice Lawyer

If you are the victim of plastic surgery malpractice in New Mexico, retain legal representation now. The longer you wait to address the situation, the harder it may be to prove. We want to help you get justice for the negligence and carelessness that contributed to your poor surgical outcome. Dominguez Law will work with you and your loved ones to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

After all, you put your life in the hands of a qualified medical professional and trusted that you would get the medical outcome you were promised. You should not be forced to live with the ramifications of an adverse outcome. As top-tier New Mexico plastic and cosmetic surgery malpractice attorneys, we will stand by you through this tumultuous time.

Call 505-850-5854 or reach out online to schedule a free consultation with a member of our team today.

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Discuss your case with our personal injury lawyers in Albuquerque, NM, today!

At Dominguez Law, we believe in holding parties who act recklessly accountable for their actions and are dedicated to making their insurance companies pay top dollar for your claim. If you believe the at-fault party acted negligently or recklessly, contact us as soon as possible.

To schedule a free consultation with one of our compassionate and aggressive Albuquerque car accident attorneys, call Dominguez Law today at 505-850-5854 or contact us online. Se Habla Español.

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